Insider information

The following information is considered as insider information of Kazakhstan Ijara Company JSC (the “Company”) until the moment it is disclosed to the public via the Depository of the Financial Statements, or the Company’s website, or the publication/announcement in the mass media in accordance with provisions of the Company’s Information Policy:

·         drafts of decisions of the general shareholders meeting, and decisions of the general shareholders meeting;

·         drafts of the decisions of the Board of Directors, decisions of the Board of Directors affecting the interests of shareholders and investors and the change of securities’ price of the Company;

·         information about changes in the shareholders’ composition;

·         information about plans for reorganization or liquidation of Company’s subsidiaries and dependent companies;

·         information about acquiring/sale plans of the Company in establishing/termination of the legal entity, increasing/decreasing participation share in such legal entity;

·         information about arrest of the Company’s property;

·         information about pledge (recharge) of the Company’s property for the amount of five and more present form Company’s assets;

·         information about plans for obtaining licenses or permissions allowing to carry out any type of business activities as permitted under Shariah principles, suspension or cancelation of previously obtained licenses or permissions;

·         information about changes in Company’s security issuance prospectus;

·         information about issuance or issuance of shares or other securities by the Company;

·         approval of the Company’s securities issuance report by authorized body until the information become public;

·         information about conclusion of the major transaction by the Company in which the value of the property that is subject to the transaction is ten percent or more of the assets of the Company;

·         information about conclusion by the Company the deals with affiliated persons;

·         information about BOD decision to obtain the finance for the Company and/or obtaining by the Company the financing in amount of 25 or more percent of the Company’s own capital;

·         information about extraordinary circumstances, which resulted in a destruction of the company's property worth 10 and more percent of the company's assets;

·         information about administrative offense applied to the Company in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on administrative offenses dated July 5, 2014;

·         information about forced reorganization of the Company;

·         draft of the annual financial statement and auditor report of the Company;

·         detecting mistakes in the Company’s financial statement, disclosed before, if such mistake may affect the change in the Company's securities pricing;

·         information about revaluation of fixed assets;

·         information about strategic plans and development of the Company;

·         information about cash balances on the Company’s account;

·         other reliable information about securities of the Company and deals with these securities, information about the Company and its activity which is subject to commercial secret/confidential information, and other information unknown to third parties that may affect the change in the Company's securities pricing and the activities of the Company;

·         other events affecting the interests of shareholders and investors.

Insiders of the Company:

The following persons considered as insiders of the Company:

1) the employees of the Company having access to the insider information due to their job responsibilities;

2) the members of the Board of Directors of the Company;

3) the shareholders of the Company;

4) the auditors, appraisers, professional participants of the security market and other entities, who provide services to the Company and to whom the Company disclosed insider information;

5) the stock exchanges where securities of the Company are listed;

6) the relevant officials of the stock exchanges having access to the Company’s insider information;

7) the state employees having access to the Company’s insider information due to state regulation and control functions;

8) the affiliates, associates and self-regulated organizations where the Company and entities mentioned in the items 3, 4, 5 above have membership and have access to the insider information;

9) the employees of the entities mentioned in the items 3, 4, 5 and 8 above having access to the insider information due to their job responsibilities;

10) the third parties, which obtained insider information from the entities mentioned in the items 1-9 above.